Who We Are
We are a multi-generational, multi-cultural church with a passion for living out and spreading the gospel in and around Birmingham and the West Midlands. On Sundays we meet together for a worship service; on other days various smaller groups may meet up for fun, fellowship, bible discussions, community projects and more!
Our church has close ties with other churches in the UK as part of the ICC Missions family of churches. We are affiliated with the International Churches of Christ worldwide, a fellowship bonded by the cross of Christ and a common vision to make disciples of all nations
(Matt 28:19-20).
What We Believe
That the Bible is the Word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit. (2 Peter 1:19-21)
That a person is saved by the grace of God through faith in Jesus. (Romans 3:23-25)
That people repent and are baptised, their sins are forgiven, they receive the Holy Spirit and are added to Jesus’ church. (Acts 2:38)
That while salvation is based on the grace of God (not our works), disciples of Jesus have a responsibility to love God and to love others as Jesus stated. (Mark 12:28-30)

Our Vision
We want to see people from all cultures, nations, and backgrounds growing together into a united spiritual family that knows and shows the love, glory and mercy of God to all.
We strive to keep growing in our knowledge of God’s word, power and will, so that we are equipped to show the love of God to our city and our world.
We are all about relationships. We want to see every member of our community flourishing as we join together in living out the good news of Jesus Christ.